NetZero News & Insights

5 Eco-Friendly Last-Minute Gift Ideas from NetZero
The holiday season is here, and if you’re still scrambling for that perfect gift, why not consider something that gives back to our planet? At NetZero, we believe in making choices that help us move toward a more sustainable future. So, here are five last-minute sustainability gifts that you can send before Christmas – thoughtful, […]

NetZero Nation Podcast: Episode 4- The Green Living Guy
This week, our guest is the one and only Seth Leitman, AKA the “Green Living Guy.” CLICK HERE TO LISTEN! Equipped with over 27 years of experience in the field, Seth Leitman has earned the moniker of The Green Living Guy for his remarkable work in the green sector. He has worked with NYS on […]

NetZero Nation Podcast: Episode 3- Mariel Prion
Listen to the episode here. Our guest this week is Mariel Prion. As a sustainability and climate advocate, Mariel has been a dynamic force in championing environmental protection, women’s rights, and youth empowerment. Here is her full bio! Mariel Angela O. Prion is a 22-year-old graduate of De La Salle University-Manila with a Bachelor of […]

Embrace a Greener Future: Celebrate Green Friday with NetZero
As the festive season approaches, the buzz of Black Friday sales fills the air, tempting us with a whirlwind of shopping deals. But amidst this consumer frenzy, there’s a growing movement that beckons us towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious choice: Green Friday. NetZero, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to carbon neutrality, invites you […]

5 Terrifying Realities of Climate Change This Halloween
As Halloween casts its spooky shadow across the land, filled with ghoulish costumes and haunted houses, it’s important to shed light on a real and looming specter: climate change. This global phenomenon poses serious threats to our planet, and the scary part is it’s happening right now. Here are five chilling facts about climate change […]

NetZero Nation Podcast- Episode 2
This week’s guest is David Rubenstein! A nonprofit leader known for recruiting and guiding powerful teams to address social issues, David Rubenstein coordinates the activities of Action for Racial Justice, a project to engage Americans of all backgrounds in the struggle for equal rights. Over two decades, Rubenstein has advised a wide variety of nonprofit […]

NetZero Nation Podcast: Episode 1- Isaac Shapiro
Our first guest is the founder of NetZero, Isaac Shapiro. Isaac was the founding director of the International Budget Partnership and a senior adviser to the Save Darfur Coalition. He was a senior fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities; researched the impact of environment regulations on the economy at the Economic Policy […]

Introducing The NetZero Nation Podcast
We are excited to announce that we are launching the NetZero Nation Podcast! In this limited series, join us for insightful interviews with environmental leaders to discuss the environment, sustainability, climate change, and your carbon footprint. We will dive deep into the climate conversation as we embark on a journey to understand and confront our […]

Celebrating Zero Emissions Day with NetZero
On Zero Emissions Day, a global pause emerges, pushing us all to reflect on our carbon footprint and its impact on the environment. But why is this day significant, and why does NetZero ardently support it? The Origins of Zero Emissions Day Zero Emissions Day, observed annually on September 21st, invites everyone around the world […]

World Ozone Day: A Model for Climate Action
The International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, also known as World Ozone Day, observed every 16th of September, offers a moment to reflect on the steps humanity can take when faced with a global environmental crisis. The day commemorates the signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer […]

Breathe Easy: International Day of Clean Air and the Role of NetZero
Every year, there’s a growing, collective gasp—a unified plea for something many of us take for granted: clean air. Today, as we celebrate the fourth International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, this call to action reverberates louder than ever. With over 99% of the global population inhaling polluted air and a staggering 6.7 […]

Greenwashing: How to Differentiate Genuine Efforts from Faux Environmentalism
In the age of increasing environmental awareness, more consumers are seeking products and services from eco-conscious brands. However, this heightened environmental enthusiasm has birthed a deceptive practice called “greenwashing.” Understanding Greenwashing Greenwashing refers to the act of misleading consumers into believing that a company’s products, services, or corporate practices are environmentally friendly when they are […]

The Power of Voluntary Carbon Markets: From Under $500m to $1.5tn by 2050
Have you ever pondered the true potential of voluntary carbon markets? According to a recent study by Barclays (as reported in this article here), this market, currently valued at under $500m annually, could skyrocket to a whopping $250bn a year by 2030 and $1.5tn by 2050. The reason? Increasing awareness among companies about the pressing […]

Commemorating World Nature Conservation Day with NetZero: A Pledge Towards a Sustainable Future
Every year on July 28th, we mark World Nature Conservation Day, a vital observance that underscores the importance of respecting and preserving our natural environment. NetZero, as a dedicated non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, recognizes and wholeheartedly supports this critical cause. World Nature Conservation Day provides an opportunity to reflect on the bountiful yet fragile gifts of […]

Celebrating the International Day for the Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystems with NetZero
Every year on July 26th, we honor the International Day for the Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystems. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, NetZero is deeply committed to this vital cause, recognizing the essential role that mangroves play in mitigating climate change and preserving biodiversity. Mangrove forests are a potent symbol of resilience and adaptability. Often referred […]

NetZero Webinar: August 11, 2023
Pitching in on Climate Change: Path to a Net-Zero Future In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to understand our environmental impact. With phrases like ‘carbon footprint’ and ‘carbon offsets’ frequently tossed around, it can be challenging to understand what these terms truly mean and how they relate to our daily lives. Join our […]

It’s Time To Be The Change: The Urgent Call for Net-Zero
There’s a quiet revolution taking place, one where individuals are taking the reins of their carbon future into their own hands. This isn’t just a climate-conscious trend but an urgent necessity for us and our planet. NetZero, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is at the forefront of this drive, championing a carbon-neutral lifestyle. We are trying […]

Introducing NetZero: Empowering Individuals to Make a Sustainable Impact
We are excited to share our official launch announcement NetZero, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, is pleased to announce its official launch. NetZero is dedicated to educating individuals about reducing personal greenhouse gas emissions, enabling carbon neutrality through supporting carbon offsets, and fostering a movement advocating for net-zero emissions among individuals, businesses, and countries. As the […]

Offset Your Carbon Footprint and Make a Positive Impact with NetZero
Are you concerned about your carbon footprint and its impact on the environment? Look no further than NetZero. We are a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to empowering individuals, businesses, and governments to become net-zero emitters. By supporting carbon offsets, NetZero is on a mission to create a sustainable and climate-resilient future. Offsetting your carbon footprint […]

World Ocean Day: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint for a Sustainable Future
World OceanDay is a global celebration that reminds us of the critical role oceans play in sustaining life on Earth. It is also an opportunity to reflect on our individual impact and take meaningful action to protect these vital ecosystems. One crucial step we can all take is to reduce our carbon footprint. In this […]

The True Power of Carbon Offsets: Making a Real Impact
The True Power of Carbon Offsets: Making a Real Impact In recent years, carbon offsets have faced scrutiny due to concerns of greenwashing and corporations supporting questionable offset efforts. While these issues raise valid concerns, it is essential to recognize that not all carbon offset initiatives are created equal and that NetZero is fully committed […]

Observing Endangered Species Day 2023: May 19th
Every year on the third Friday in May, people worldwide come together to observe Endangered Species Day. This global day of action, founded by David Robinson and the Endangered Species Coalition in 2006, aims to raise awareness, foster learning, and encourage efforts to protect threatened and endangered species. In 2023, we celebrate the 18th annual […]

The Connection Between Heat Waves and Climate Change
Heat waves are becoming more frequent, longer-lasting, and more intense around the world. We have seen record-breaking heat waves in Europe, Australia, and the United States in recent years. These extreme heat events are uncomfortable and pose a significant risk to human health, infrastructure, and natural ecosystems. At NetZero, understanding the connection between heat waves […]

Abandoned oil and gas wells are contributing to climate change
Abandoned oil and gas wells can contribute to climate change. When abandoned and left unplugged, wells can emit methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. Methane is estimated to have a global warming potential over 80 times greater than carbon dioxide over a 20-year time frame. Abandoned oil and gas wells can emit methane […]

Greenhouse Gasses and their Role in Global Warming
Greenhouse gases are gases that trap heat within the Earth’s atmosphere. They include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases. These gases have been accumulating in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution, primarily as a result of human activities such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and agriculture. The accumulation of greenhouse gases in the […]

A Brief History of Carbon Offsets
Carbon offsets have a relatively short history, with the concept first gaining widespread attention in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The idea behind carbon offsets is to create a market-based approach to addressing climate change by allowing individuals and organizations to invest in projects that reduce or remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere. The […]

Methane and How it Contributes to Climate Change
Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas that is primarily composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms. It is colorless and odorless, and is produced through natural and human activities, such as livestock digestion, oil and gas production, and landfills. Methane is a major contributor to climate change. Although it makes up a smaller proportion of atmospheric […]

Individual Action Remains Necessary Complement to Excellent New Policy Initiatives
In the United States recent weeks have seen promising policy breakthroughs at both the federal and state levels of government. Receiving the most attention was the climate response package contained in the Inflation Reduction Act signed into law on August 16. Though this package was scaled back during the legislative process, and includes some provisions […]

New Data, and Unprecedented Weather Events, Tell the Same Alarming Story
While the summer of 2022 saw some positive developments when it comes to governmental climate policies, weather patterns and their toll on everyday life have been grim. The data patterns are described comprehensively in the highly-regarded annual State of the Climate report released at the end of August. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s instructive […]
Take the NetZero pledge
To determine the amount of carbon offsets required for you to go NetZero, you can use average U.S. carbon emission levels, or you can estimate your carbon footprint more precisely with our calculator.