NetZero Webinar: August 11, 2023

Pitching in on Climate Change: Path to a Net-Zero Future

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to understand our environmental impact. With phrases like ‘carbon footprint’ and ‘carbon offsets’ frequently tossed around, it can be challenging to understand what these terms truly mean and how they relate to our daily lives.

Join our engaging webinar hosted by NetZero to demystify these concepts and get a clear understanding of carbon offsets. Learn how they function, why they’re vital, and how they can help us counterbalance the greenhouse gas emissions we produce every day.

Beyond merely understanding carbon offsets, we aim to empower you with practical knowledge. Discover how to incorporate them into your lifestyle or business model, and see the positive difference you can make. We’ll provide you with actionable steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint and contribute meaningfully to the global movement toward net-zero emissions.

Whether you’re a concerned individual or a sustainability professional, this webinar is for you. By joining us, you’re not just gaining knowledge but also becoming an active participant in creating a sustainable future for all.

Don’t miss this opportunity to broaden your environmental understanding and learn about the effective tools at our disposal. Join us in taking a step towards a greener, more sustainable world.

Register here: Pitching in on Climate Change: Path to a Net-Zero Future

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To determine the amount of carbon offsets required for you to go NetZero, you can use average U.S. carbon emission levels, or you can estimate your carbon footprint more precisely with our calculator.